The Healthiest Beef We Can Raise

The Healthiest Beef We Can Raise

We often get asked if our Generations Beef is grass fed and grass finished.  Many feel this is the healthiest way to raise beef for us to consume.  That may not be completely true.  Let me explain.

One of the reasons we chose to breed Akaushi cross beef was because the beef from this breed has been proven to have many heart healthy qualities you may not find in regular beef.  Specifically the fat.  Many of us have been conditioned to believe any and all fat is bad for us.  Research has shown this not to be true.  In fact GOOD FAT is essential for overall health of us as humans.  

Here is a breakdown of Heartbrand Ground Beef, the foundation of Akaushi in the US, as studied by Yale Prevention and Research Center. 

This beef is raised in Central Texas.  This is the same herd our foundation bulls were purchased from in 2018.  The animals are pasture raised and protein finished just as we do.  

Along with the genetics helping produce such high quality healthy meat, the environment must support that as well.  We use no hormones, no antibiotics and no chemicals either in the herd nor on the soil they graze in the pasture nor the feed we produce to feed through the winter months and to finish our slaughter animals. 

Bottom line, we have been working for years to make the beef we produce as healthy as possible.  The bonus is that it's also amazing in flavor and tenderness.  This tells us we are doing something right. 

I would challenge anyone to test that yourself.  Purchase a cut from Generations Beef that traditionally would be so tough you'd usually have to braise it for days, slow cook for hours and season the heck out of it.  I would ask that you simply prepare a cut of ours as you would an amazing ribeye and see how it tastes and how easy it is to slice through when ready for dinner.  

The proof is in the product we believe. 

PS-We now have 100% Generations Beef Wagyu bacon.  That's right BACON that is good for you.  

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